
Stock to Watch: SSI

SSI will be interesting to watch.  YTD: -58.27% MTD: 2.65% 52-wk low: 0.88 52-wk high: 3.70 SSI has been consolidating for 3-months already, just waiting for more volume for the price to increase. Buying area below 1.15. Selling 1.4, longer term 2-2.5 

Market Recap - June 25, 2020

Here's Merkado PH's recap on PSE for June 25, 2020:

Usapang Dibidendo (All About Dividends)

Here is a short video about dividends:  Where to check dividend announcements:  Blue Chips Stocks with the Highest Dividend Yield:   COL users can view the dividend dates and history here: Quotes> Stock> Dividends For Investagrams:  Scroll down and look at the right side of the page, where you will see the calendar:  Stay safe, stay home and trade!