Tsupit Plays - 1st Q
Watch the projected price and opening price (first 5 minutes). If it doesnt sustain .0080 price...huwag na muna kayo bumili.
Areas to buy:
.0069 exit 8-10%
.0055 exit 8-10%
Manage your cut losses since you are the only one who knows your risk appetite.
Major resistance at .0094. If it is broken with volume hold till .0100
Avoid buying goes below .0050 and wait for confirmation (needle + volume). Safe bumili sa .0040 mas less na ang risk.
Use shorter time frame chart for better price action 1,3,5 min charts. TAYOR.
BSC showed weakness at the closing. Cant break 1.85 mark. Barat bid at 1.20. Most likely buhos once the bomberos see another stock at play.
See the gap between .55 to .87, babalikan yan in the near future.
TBGI is holding .50 and may likely be the new base for a shorter period. That is if the .45 support wont be broken. 2nd support is .40. Failure to hold the price might send the price to .37 and it would be safer to buy on that price if you are a bodegero.
Hold your position if it breaks .65; might continue to .70. TAYOR!
Watch out for DITO @ 11.6, MM @ 6.5 and ACEN may drop to 5.5
Other worthy stocks: BRN .99, RCI below 1.25, ALLHC below 2.8, WEB at its worst could revisit 2.4 but the key is tranche buying. Chelsea is a always a good buy near 4.5.
Mining, Oil and Logistics will be 2021 play. Add these stocks to your watchlist and look for their 52 week low before buying.
If you have any stocks that you want to be featured, just post your comment in our Facebook page: Merkado PH. Stay safe!
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