How will you trade DITO?
Dito Tel has been one of the hottest stocks lately. How you will trade it?
YTD is 7.85%
MTD is 64.89%
Today's high is at 3.92 and low at 3.66, closed at 3.71.
Chupit moves:
Enter below 3.6 area and wait till its pumped to 4.
TP is 4
Check the Ask volume at 4 if it reaches at least 1M.
Sell if the buying at 4 pesos becomes slow-moving
Hold and sell at 4.05-4.1 if the asks at 4 pesos is filled within seconds.
or just sell when you are happy.
Use min chart for price action
1st support 3.29
2nd support 2.56 - you can do test buy again here and hold.
Stay safe, stay home and trade!

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